Basil Eddy
HeartMath Coach / Mentor
Area of expertise:
- Life coaching using proven established coaching methods and processes brought together with NLP in courses (e.g. You (Pty) UNLtd) to unlock human potential in companies and in personal lives.
- Stress management, exam anxiety, and assisting teenagers with ADD using the HeartMath processes and technology (emWave)
- One on one personal life coaching
- All courses use HeartMath processes and emWave technology
Additional certifications and qualifications:
- Certified Master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic programming (Advanced Human Technologies)
- Certified NLP Coach (Advanced Human Technologies)
- Certified HeartMath coach
- M.Sc. (Wits University)
- Registered Life Coach (Comensa)
About Basil:
Married with four children and seven grandchildren. Resident in Gauteng area. Retired from career in physical science, which included mentoring and coaching company bursars doing diplomas and degrees and established Trewinnard Consulting cc and Trewinnard Life Coaching in 2005. My formal career in the physical sciences has enabled me to research and identify proven & established coaching processes and combine them with Neuro-Linguistic programming into courses that are run in organisations and in one on one coaching.
My focus is to bring participants along a full path of self awareness, self management, self expression, to self realisation. I believe personal and work place life coaching belong together for mutual success.
- Telephone Number: 072 945 6136
- Email:
- Website: (Trewinnard Life Coaching)
- Facebook: Basil Eddy
- LinkedIn: Basil Eddy